Portland Navy League is a recognized non-profit organization under Section 501(c)3 of the Internal Revenue Code. Contributions are tax deductible as otherwise provided by law.
Former president Tony Sebio being recognized for his leadership. Navy Captain Greg Woodruff (Ret.) former CO of Navy Blue Angels at our March meeting.
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Tom Finneran, President of the Portland-Blueback Council was awarded the Volunteer Of The Year bomber jacket, as well as an award for his excellent service at the McMinville air show that featured the Blue Angels in 2023.
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Swearing-In 2024 Officers and Board Members
2023 Air Show Part I Blue Angels Car Show at 2023 McMinnville Air Show
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Blue Angels Hospitality at Portland International Airport (PDX) Air National Guard Base, where the Portland Navy League provided food, beverages, mess hall and a pilot ready room for briefings.
We were out there for eight days. Great to meet all the pilots and crews, and to bring in a mini car show. We offered to trade rides, but that didn't fly. HA!!
New member CAPT Deano Koehler, Retired Navy Pilot, and Jake Jacobs were the main assistants to air show folks.
2023 Air Show Part II
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Portland Council Outing at Boring Brewery And Winery
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30 Members Of The Portland Council Toured The USS Nevada (SSN 733) At Bangor Naval Base
Board members get tour of USS Michael Monsoor DDG 1001 during Fleet Week 2022.
ETCS (SS) USN Ret, Arlo Gatchel (Co-Chair USS Oregon Commissioning Committee) presents a ceremonial long glass to the USS Oregon's first watch detail.
Tony Sebbio presents Gavin McIlvenna, Past President, Society of the Honor Guard, Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, a council coin and bottle of wine for speaking at the December 7th dinner meeting.
After previous practice, our council's adopted ship that was commissioned in Portland in 2018 made the news.
USS Portland (LPD 27) successfully recovered the Orion space capsule
Welcome to the Portland-Blueback Council of the Navy League of the United States. We are a civilian organization dedicated to the education of citizens, including our elected officials, about maritime issues and the support of the men and women serving in the Navy, Marine Corps, Coast Guard and Merchant Marine. We actively support the five Sea Cadet units located throughout Oregon, as well as active duty units located in the greater Portland Area.
For membership in both our local council as well as Navy League national contact Ray Hanson, Membership Chairman or use the Membership button on the left side of this page.
We are again holding quarterly, in-person, brunch & dinner meetings. Please check the the upcoming events area for future meetings. We hold monthly business/board meetings via Zoom and in-person.